Happy Tots School

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*******Our Vision Is To Be Identified As The Best Service Provider Of Development.*********

We are an organisation that promotes growth for our children. Our target is to provide an environment that ensures growth for our childred intellectually, socially and physcial ability.


*****Our Commitment To Accommodate A Positive And Happy Environment That Promotes Growth For The Young Ones.*****

We aim at achieving the best results in all respect. This is mentally, socially, emotionally and physical.

Below is our beautiful Tutor with our kids in session. What a beautiful experience

At Happy Tots day and aftercare infant & junior school, we pride ourselves in providing a safe, fun accademically rich environment
that promotes social emotional cognitive and physical growth. We aim to engage our children in high quality learning expriences
to maximise their holistic development. We envision developing future generations of leaders who approach their life challenges
with resiliency and independence.

Dedicated Team

Happy Tots school has a staff of creative knowledgeable individuals from diverse back-grounds who are phenomenal. Our passionate
and devoted team of Educators and Childcare personnel create a safe, caring and respectful learning environment which encourages the
holistic development of our children.


The safety and well being of our children is paramount to us at Happy Tots School because we understand the incredible
trust you are placing in us.

We have safeguarding policies and procedures in place
We are also protected by neighbourhood watch.
We have a camera on our premises monitoring dropping and pick up of our children.


We provide nutritious meals which includes the option of breakfast from morning till mid morning snack and lunch. Our meals are
freshly prepared daily by our professional chef on our premises and teachers also participate in the consumption of the food prepared.
Our Menu is on display on our notice board for all to view. All dietery requirements are catered for. Vegiterian meals are also
available on request.


Our unique and creative Thermatic Based Curiculum focuses on and intergrates different areas of play and cognitive development
our Childhood Sensory Activities and Science Lessons and create a solid foundation for higher learning.


We follow the 3 school terms model in time with most schools in the country. We offer a Holiday program during school terms
holidays at an additional cost. Where Children are situated with fun activities and enjoy a break from school curriculum.
NB: The school closes on public holidays and over the December Holiday Period.


Happy Tots Infant & Junior School will work with you the parent to make your baby's transition a smoothand happy time by creating
a warm naturing interaction with all babies in and out care. We provide personalised care for each baby based on your baby's
unique needs, nutritional guidelines and any special attention required. Through our low ratios, in the warm setting of each baby
room in our Nursery; daily age appropriate stimulation is provided as help for your infant to reach his/her developmental

Toddlers 1-2 years

This age group enjoys activities that are build around our toddlers limitless curiosity as we encourage their natural desire
to explore through a range of indoor fun like arts, music, movement, sensory activities and outside gross motor play. Our toddlers
days are packed with fun learning experiences that enhance their development.


Happy Tots School has developed a unique and creative thematic based curriculum which is diverse and focuses on
intergrating different areas of play and cognitive development. Our early childhood foundation program, specially devised sensory
activities and science lessons create a solid foundation for higher learning. Our teachers observe our children and evaluate
their learning experiences throughout the year to collect information on their developmental milestone which is continually
monitored on an individualised basis through the use of regular assessments and formal reports that are communicated with Parents
at the end of term two and term four.


As the owner and Director for Happy Tots Infant & Junior School, we aspire to establish a joy of learning and fun of Childhood
exploration in a dynamic, stimulation and happy atmosphere. We have an infinite passion to mould young minds and we recognise
remarkable expansion of development that occures from birth to five years. Working with Children has always been my greatest
passion apart from studying Early Childhood Development Education. We have broadened my scope of knowledge in Childhood Development
and Montessori through studying Development. Through our knowledge and field of study we have implemented a Curriculum for our school that uses
on stimulating each child's inner craving for knowledge by introducing age while placing emphasis on having fun while learning.

Talents are noticed at this stage and Parents are encouraged to support the gift or talent that the child exhibits and excels in.